Open Season
Season. For Squirrels Begins To-Day and Continues to January 1. An
Abundance of Game Reported. The open season for squirrels began this
morning, and will continue until January 1, with the exception of the
period between October 1 and November 10, when no game may be shot, and
even the killing of rabbits is prohibited. Farmers report squirrels in
greater abundance this season than for many years, and the shooting
promises to be fine. Members of a fishing party that had been in the
southern part of Harrison county for several weeks say that near their
camp the trees fairly swarm with the little animals, and that an expert
marksman, had it not been for the law, could have killed a dozen in a
half hour. Complaint is made by the farmers that the little animals are
so numerous that they have destroyed corn of sufficient value to have
paid for all the squirrels in the State a number of times at 25 cents a
pound. - New Albany Daily Ledger 01 August 1906